Friday, February 27, 2009

In Case You Wondered

Here is what a woman looks like 4 days past her due date.
Just kidding. Here is what Kristin looks like as of this morning. I might be a little jealous of her convenient hands free method of eating. Just being honest.
Keep praying it happens soon! I'm out for now.

I have had a few requests of photos of our nursery, so I have met the demand. Instead of photos, I went one better. Here's a video of our nursery for those who are far away or who are close but never seem to visit. Nothing special, but we think it will make a nice home for Skylar. Peruse at your leisure. Still nothing happening!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Come on already!

I've gotten quite a few calls and emails from people watching the site for updates. Let me possibly save a few emails by saying Skylar is still taking her sweet time! Obviously Kristin has made quite a comfortable little home. We had a Dr's visit yesterday and Kristin is dilated and the doctor was optimistic that it should happen soon, so we're holding our breath for any moment now. I will definitely update the blog with any news, so keep tuning in. I've included the 2 photos above purely as historical documents. The first picture (Central Park New York) represents the last vacation Kristin and I took as a childless couple. Who knows when that will happen again? The second picture is me and my snow blower (which I am in love with). Why shovel? It was an extremely selfish and unnecessary purchase purely for convenience. I'm told that with a child those purchases have to die away. Keep checking the site and I'll keep you posted.

Monday, February 9, 2009

In Case You Were Wondering

I've included the following video in case you were wondering how the family reacted to finding out we were expecting. Clearly my sister reacted in the calm, collected fashion that we all have come to know from her. Please drop us a comment or an email if you see the website. We are trying to get an idea of who is actually checking out the blog. More to come.

Catching Everybody Up

We are officially within the +/- 2 week period of the due date, so little Skylar could be on the way at any time. I'm exceptionally anxious and constantly check my cell phone during the day just in case I missed a call. Last weekend we spent some quality time at Babies 'R' Us picking up all of the stuff we absolutely need that we didn't get via a shower. How did people raise children in the past without the Baby Night Sight? It seems archaic. I've included a few highlight photos throughout the pregnancy that were big moments for us. Skylar's first baseball game @ beautiful Fenway Park. Our first purchase, a wonderful Cheers onesie that has the cheers logo on the front and says "I don't even know my name" on the back.
Kristin outside of Wicked in Chicago, Skylar's first experience of culture. Kristin definitely had more fun than Dan; that theatre does not cater to people with long legs! Just a few highlights on Skylar's life journey.