Christmas was very busy, traveling to try and see everyone, but it was more fun this year as Skylar got into opening gifts a little more. Dora was a major theme this year and after opening 1-2 Dora gifts, all she wanted to do was play with them, she didn't care that she had more to open, so Dan and I got to open some Dora gifts ourselves. I apologize for the little Chinese girl in all of the photos. She likes to smile for the camera now, seeing as she got 3 cameras herself this year, but she tries to smile so big that her eyes disappear. Something we can laugh at later on, but I don't think we got one single good pic the entire holiday!

Skylar enjoying the rocking chair at Gi-Gi's.

Skylar testing out her new Dora pillow and sleeping bag GiGi got her along with a night light. She's a good actor, don't you think?

Skylar with Mommy and Daddy.

Skylar with Uncle David.

Skylar with Grandma & Grandpa McKendrick. We like Grandpa's impression of Skylar!

Three generations of McKendricks.

Skylar using her new vacuum that she loves. Dan and I both agree that we need to invent a child's vacuum, that actually picks up stuff. It's genious and let me tell you, our floor would be spotless!

Skylar with Grandma & Grandpa Welborn and her new Dora doll.

Christmas Eve with Mommy and Daddy.

Ah yes, another Dora book.