Skylar made her first public appearance on Wednesday when she came to my year-end basketball banquet. I made Kristin dress her in this outfit that I bought for Skylar. I think it looked fantastic and all of my players and their families agreed. I realize that this is yet another incident of forcing sporting gear on my child, but that's too bad because she looked awesome in the Jordan gear.

Did you notice that she is even wearing Jordan socks? Just making sure you're catching the details!

The hat to keep her warm completed the ensemble. I probably would have had her in a pair of Nikes if my wife wasn't so sensible.

Striking the traditional Jordan pose. Remember when I wondered what a baby was dreaming about? After witnessing her excitement in wearing the Jordan brand, I now believe that she is dreaming of being the next female dunker and breaking down the oppressive male-only rule for NBA players. Wait, was that me dreaming?
Dan, you crack me up. I love it.