So, we did do a little Disney without actually going to the parks. We bought an umbrella stroller while we were down there and Skylar had fun just chill'n as we walked around.

Grandma & Grandpa Welborn with us at Universal.

Dan and Skylar outside the NBA City restaurant. Daddy relived his college basketball days as this was a hotspot during one of their Christmas tournaments. Ahh, the good ol' days.

I believe these were life-size tinker toys at Downtown Disney.

Did I mention Skylar has a problem with the sun in her eyes yet won't keep a hat or sunglasses on? Very frustrating. Who doesn't want a picture in front of Mr. Potato Head!

Our first two nights there were a little chilly so we had to bundle up a bit to stroll around the Boardwalk.
Looks like you had a great time!