It's been a long time between posts. We've been having some problems with our home computer so posting really wasn't an option. Just to catch you up, Skylar is talking like crazy, modified crawling all over the downstairs (still not walking), and finally starting to try some new foods (mostly fruits). She loves to play catch, which means roll balls back and forth, but she can catch a bouncing ball which is making me extremely proud. She loves to push herself backward on her walker (see video), swing at the park on walks (see picture), and makes some crazy faces (see video). She was just dedicated at church last Sunday (picture with uncle David). Skylar is showing a lot of personality lately, both good and not so good in the form of tantrums when she's frustrated. Definitely hoping she'll start walking soon. Enjoy the pictures and videos.

so stinkin' cute! Glad you are back! :)