Friday, April 24, 2009

Been Awhile

Hello everyone! Sorry we haven't updated lately, but some big developments in our house the last few weeks. Kristin has officially returned to work, albeit she has the luxury of working from home on her own schedule. THANK YOU TECHNOLOGY! We spent the last week getting her home office set-up and running; so far so good. Last weekend we were truly blessed (sarcasm) to have our hot water heater die late Friday night. We found it leaking water, and the leak was so bad that we had to have it replaced at 11pm that night. As a side bonus, water leaked under our pergo flooring and caused some of the boards to bow in our downstairs bathroom. I had the joy of pulling out some of the flooring last Saturday and we currently have a hole in our bathroom floor that I hope to get to soon. Here are some pictures that have lightened our mood around here lately.

You can see that Skylar is really starting to brighten up and show some personality. These pictures show the good personality developing. On the dark side, she is also showing signs of developing a bit of an attitude. She throws small, but fiersome tantrums when we interrupt feeding to burp. I'll try and get a video of that on the site soon.

Here you have Skylar enjoying her baby tub. She's really getting bigger and longer so we had to abandon the little sponge bathing apparatus and start using this. The picture is cropped because mommy's etiquette lessons haven't quite sunk in yet and she won't cross her legs like a lady. This is a disturbing trend that I'm hoping to put an end to shortly.

Finally, here's a picture of Skylar with "uncle Brett." He's a college teammate of mine and the first of my college buddies to visit. Skylar had a nice time watching the Blackhawks with the boys and falling asleep on Brett.

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