Monday, June 29, 2009

Catching You Up (huge post)

Kristin and I have been extremely busy the last few weeks. The biggest thing was the trip we took to L.A. two weekends ago for my cousin Peter's wedding. It was a fun and extremely exhausting trip for all three of us. Skylar got to go on a plane for the first time and did awesome. She barely cried at all and pretty much slept through all of our flights. We got to experience the joy of traveling with a baby --> can I just say getting through security takes like an hour to get everything on the darn conveyor belt! The trip out was easy except for some minor complications waiting for my sister which had us at LAX a little longer than expected. The trip home WAS TERRIBLE! First, Skylar has a diaper episode in the check-in line at LAX. Then she is screaming because she's hungry so we take care of that off to the side. Then we get through security, on the plane, and begin taxying toward take-off when weather closes Denver airport (our layover destination). We end up sitting on the plane for like 3 hours before we finally get to take-off. When we land in Denver, Kristin, Skylar, and I rush to our gate to get to our connection and make it just in time. Right when they are to begin boarding, United announces a problem with our plane and they need some time to fix it. We were supposed to leave Denver at 9pm and ended up leaving Denver at 12:15am. It was a LONG DAY! Skylar slept the whole flight home, slept as we got off the plane, slept as we got into the car, and slept until the next morning without waking once --> AWESOME!

Some pics from the trip: Skylar and I dancing at the table.
Aren't we cute?

All of the cousins on my mom's side of the family.

You can figure this one out. Skylar was with my aunt.

We do still take pictures without Skylar occasionally.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance

In my endless quest to make Skylar smile or laugh, I have found that she really enjoys dancing. I like to call it daddy/daughter dance party. She likes when I stand her up and move her around, and she also likes to sit in my lap as I move her arms. The video gives you only a small sample of the amazing repertoire of dance moves that I have at my disposal at any given second. Enjoy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

All Grown Up!

Skylar has been enjoying sitting up on our laps more and more so we decided to get her her very own chair. She has a tendancy to lean to her right, but I think she's enjoying her new found freedom.

Pretty in Pink

It was daddy and daughter look-a-like day at church on Sunday. Have you ever seen a more handsome man wear pink?

Uncle Dave

Skylar finally got to meet her Uncle Dave. Another influence to persuade her to the dark side i.e. Bears/Sox/Hawks ultimate fan club.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Kristin and I have agonizingly tried a variety of methods to get Skylar to laugh. She has been on the verge for a week or so, but wouldn't cross over and just let that giggle out (kind of shy like mom I guess). Finally, I came through in a big way on Sunday afternoon. I was playing with her in my lap and having her touch her own toes, when I finally had her rub the bottom of her foot with her fingers and the desired response was evoked. The rest is history. Thankfully Kristin was able to quickly film this experience so we now actually have her first laugh on video. Hope you enjoy hearing the long awaited laugh as much as I did (you'll notice weirdly giddy dad in the video).